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Titel (ar)
Subtitel (ar)
Inleiding (ar)
“Indeed a conversation is a dramatic work, even if a very short one, in which the participants are not only the actors, but also the joint authors, working out in agreement or disagreement the mode of their production. For it is not just that conversations belong to genres in just the way that plays and novels do; but they have beginnings, middles and endings just as do literary works. They embody reversals and recognitions; they move towards and away from climaxes. There may within a longer conversation be disgressions and subplots, indeed disgressions within disgressions and subplots within subplots” ((MacIntyre 1984: 211).
Titel (de)
Subtitel (de)
Inleiding (de)
“Indeed a conversation is a dramatic work, even if a very short one, in which the participants are not only the actors, but also the joint authors, working out in agreement or disagreement the mode of their production. For it is not just that conversations belong to genres in just the way that plays and novels do; but they have beginnings, middles and endings just as do literary works. They embody reversals and recognitions; they move towards and away from climaxes. There may within a longer conversation be disgressions and subplots, indeed disgressions within disgressions and subplots within subplots” ((MacIntyre 1984: 211).
Titel (en)
Subtitel (en)
Inleiding (en)
“Indeed a conversation is a dramatic work, even if a very short one, in which the participants are not only the actors, but also the joint authors, working out in agreement or disagreement the mode of their production. For it is not just that conversations belong to genres in just the way that plays and novels do; but they have beginnings, middles and endings just as do literary works. They embody reversals and recognitions; they move towards and away from climaxes. There may within a longer conversation be disgressions and subplots, indeed disgressions within disgressions and subplots within subplots” ((MacIntyre 1984: 211).
Titel (es)
Subtitel (es)
Inleiding (es)
“Indeed a conversation is a dramatic work, even if a very short one, in which the participants are not only the actors, but also the joint authors, working out in agreement or disagreement the mode of their production. For it is not just that conversations belong to genres in just the way that plays and novels do; but they have beginnings, middles and endings just as do literary works. They embody reversals and recognitions; they move towards and away from climaxes. There may within a longer conversation be disgressions and subplots, indeed disgressions within disgressions and subplots within subplots” ((MacIntyre 1984: 211).
Titel (et)
Subtitel (et)
Inleiding (et)
“Indeed a conversation is a dramatic work, even if a very short one, in which the participants are not only the actors, but also the joint authors, working out in agreement or disagreement the mode of their production. For it is not just that conversations belong to genres in just the way that plays and novels do; but they have beginnings, middles and endings just as do literary works. They embody reversals and recognitions; they move towards and away from climaxes. There may within a longer conversation be disgressions and subplots, indeed disgressions within disgressions and subplots within subplots” ((MacIntyre 1984: 211).
Titel (fr)
Subtitel (fr)
Inleiding (fr)
“Indeed a conversation is a dramatic work, even if a very short one, in which the participants are not only the actors, but also the joint authors, working out in agreement or disagreement the mode of their production. For it is not just that conversations belong to genres in just the way that plays and novels do; but they have beginnings, middles and endings just as do literary works. They embody reversals and recognitions; they move towards and away from climaxes. There may within a longer conversation be disgressions and subplots, indeed disgressions within disgressions and subplots within subplots” ((MacIntyre 1984: 211).
Titel (nl)
Subtitel (nl)
Inleiding (nl)
“Indeed a conversation is a dramatic work, even if a very short one, in which the participants are not only the actors, but also the joint authors, working out in agreement or disagreement the mode of their production. For it is not just that conversations belong to genres in just the way that plays and novels do; but they have beginnings, middles and endings just as do literary works. They embody reversals and recognitions; they move towards and away from climaxes. There may within a longer conversation be disgressions and subplots, indeed disgressions within disgressions and subplots within subplots” ((MacIntyre 1984: 211).
Titel (pl)
Subtitel (pl)
Inleiding (pl)
“Indeed a conversation is a dramatic work, even if a very short one, in which the participants are not only the actors, but also the joint authors, working out in agreement or disagreement the mode of their production. For it is not just that conversations belong to genres in just the way that plays and novels do; but they have beginnings, middles and endings just as do literary works. They embody reversals and recognitions; they move towards and away from climaxes. There may within a longer conversation be disgressions and subplots, indeed disgressions within disgressions and subplots within subplots” ((MacIntyre 1984: 211).
Titel (ru)
Subtitel (ru)
Inleiding (ru)
“Indeed a conversation is a dramatic work, even if a very short one, in which the participants are not only the actors, but also the joint authors, working out in agreement or disagreement the mode of their production. For it is not just that conversations belong to genres in just the way that plays and novels do; but they have beginnings, middles and endings just as do literary works. They embody reversals and recognitions; they move towards and away from climaxes. There may within a longer conversation be disgressions and subplots, indeed disgressions within disgressions and subplots within subplots” ((MacIntyre 1984: 211).
Titel (tr)
Subtitel (tr)
Inleiding (tr)
“Indeed a conversation is a dramatic work, even if a very short one, in which the participants are not only the actors, but also the joint authors, working out in agreement or disagreement the mode of their production. For it is not just that conversations belong to genres in just the way that plays and novels do; but they have beginnings, middles and endings just as do literary works. They embody reversals and recognitions; they move towards and away from climaxes. There may within a longer conversation be disgressions and subplots, indeed disgressions within disgressions and subplots within subplots” ((MacIntyre 1984: 211).
Titel (zh)
Subtitel (zh)
Inleiding (zh)
“Indeed a conversation is a dramatic work, even if a very short one, in which the participants are not only the actors, but also the joint authors, working out in agreement or disagreement the mode of their production. For it is not just that conversations belong to genres in just the way that plays and novels do; but they have beginnings, middles and endings just as do literary works. They embody reversals and recognitions; they move towards and away from climaxes. There may within a longer conversation be disgressions and subplots, indeed disgressions within disgressions and subplots within subplots” ((MacIntyre 1984: 211).
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<p>In onderstaande WerkingsVormen beschouwen we het gesprek als theater. Er zijn spelers: dat zijn de gespreksdeelnemers. Er is tekst: dat is datgene wat ze zeggen. Er is een begin en een einde. En er is een spanningsboog daartussen die bestaat uit allerlei verwikkelingen. Binnen strakke kaders scheppen we ruimte voor bezieling en inspiratie, maar ook voor de ambiguïteit en het onverwachte.</p> <p>Het gesprek als theater: <br />1) versterkt de eigen stem van deelnemers doordat ze als acteurs het gesprek mede-bepalen (tegenkracht);*<br />2) is een gezamenlijk creatie, waarin deelnemers zich onderscheiden én verbinden;*<br />3) is een uitspraak van deelnemers en daarmee een opvoering, waarmee waarden publiek worden gemaakt.*</p>
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