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Titel (ar)
Subtitel (ar)
Inleiding (ar)
In ancient Greece music was not only music. What was practiced was called “Mousike” and joint music, language and theatrical aspects together in a natural way. And it was centre of society. For Beyond Borders, a three day project for Master Students Music Hanze Hogeschool, Bart&Anouk share their cooperation from an innovative view on making processes that came forward from their practice based artistic research, trying to give back their new insights to society. You are invited by Bart van Rosmalen and Anouk Saleming on a journey beyond borders.
Titel (de)
Subtitel (de)
Inleiding (de)
In ancient Greece music was not only music. What was practiced was called “Mousike” and joint music, language and theatrical aspects together in a natural way. And it was centre of society. For Beyond Borders, a three day project for Master Students Music Hanze Hogeschool, Bart&Anouk share their cooperation from an innovative view on making processes that came forward from their practice based artistic research, trying to give back their new insights to society. You are invited by Bart van Rosmalen and Anouk Saleming on a journey beyond borders.
Titel (en)
Subtitel (en)
Inleiding (en)
In ancient Greece music was not only music. What was practiced was called “Mousike” and joint music, language and theatrical aspects together in a natural way. And it was centre of society. For Beyond Borders, a three day project for Master Students Music Hanze Hogeschool, Bart&Anouk share their cooperation from an innovative view on making processes that came forward from their practice based artistic research, trying to give back their new insights to society. You are invited by Bart van Rosmalen and Anouk Saleming on a journey beyond borders.
Titel (es)
Subtitel (es)
Inleiding (es)
In ancient Greece music was not only music. What was practiced was called “Mousike” and joint music, language and theatrical aspects together in a natural way. And it was centre of society. For Beyond Borders, a three day project for Master Students Music Hanze Hogeschool, Bart&Anouk share their cooperation from an innovative view on making processes that came forward from their practice based artistic research, trying to give back their new insights to society. You are invited by Bart van Rosmalen and Anouk Saleming on a journey beyond borders.
Titel (et)
Subtitel (et)
Inleiding (et)
In ancient Greece music was not only music. What was practiced was called “Mousike” and joint music, language and theatrical aspects together in a natural way. And it was centre of society. For Beyond Borders, a three day project for Master Students Music Hanze Hogeschool, Bart&Anouk share their cooperation from an innovative view on making processes that came forward from their practice based artistic research, trying to give back their new insights to society. You are invited by Bart van Rosmalen and Anouk Saleming on a journey beyond borders.
Titel (fr)
Subtitel (fr)
Inleiding (fr)
In ancient Greece music was not only music. What was practiced was called “Mousike” and joint music, language and theatrical aspects together in a natural way. And it was centre of society. For Beyond Borders, a three day project for Master Students Music Hanze Hogeschool, Bart&Anouk share their cooperation from an innovative view on making processes that came forward from their practice based artistic research, trying to give back their new insights to society. You are invited by Bart van Rosmalen and Anouk Saleming on a journey beyond borders.
Titel (nl)
Subtitel (nl)
Inleiding (nl)
In ancient Greece music was not only music. What was practiced was called “Mousike” and joint music, language and theatrical aspects together in a natural way. And it was centre of society. For Beyond Borders, a three day project for Master Students Music Hanze Hogeschool, Bart&Anouk share their cooperation from an innovative view on making processes that came forward from their practice based artistic research, trying to give back their new insights to society. You are invited by Bart van Rosmalen and Anouk Saleming on a journey beyond borders.
Titel (pl)
Subtitel (pl)
Inleiding (pl)
In ancient Greece music was not only music. What was practiced was called “Mousike” and joint music, language and theatrical aspects together in a natural way. And it was centre of society. For Beyond Borders, a three day project for Master Students Music Hanze Hogeschool, Bart&Anouk share their cooperation from an innovative view on making processes that came forward from their practice based artistic research, trying to give back their new insights to society. You are invited by Bart van Rosmalen and Anouk Saleming on a journey beyond borders.
Titel (ru)
Subtitel (ru)
Inleiding (ru)
In ancient Greece music was not only music. What was practiced was called “Mousike” and joint music, language and theatrical aspects together in a natural way. And it was centre of society. For Beyond Borders, a three day project for Master Students Music Hanze Hogeschool, Bart&Anouk share their cooperation from an innovative view on making processes that came forward from their practice based artistic research, trying to give back their new insights to society. You are invited by Bart van Rosmalen and Anouk Saleming on a journey beyond borders.
Titel (tr)
Subtitel (tr)
Inleiding (tr)
In ancient Greece music was not only music. What was practiced was called “Mousike” and joint music, language and theatrical aspects together in a natural way. And it was centre of society. For Beyond Borders, a three day project for Master Students Music Hanze Hogeschool, Bart&Anouk share their cooperation from an innovative view on making processes that came forward from their practice based artistic research, trying to give back their new insights to society. You are invited by Bart van Rosmalen and Anouk Saleming on a journey beyond borders.
Titel (zh)
Subtitel (zh)
Inleiding (zh)
In ancient Greece music was not only music. What was practiced was called “Mousike” and joint music, language and theatrical aspects together in a natural way. And it was centre of society. For Beyond Borders, a three day project for Master Students Music Hanze Hogeschool, Bart&Anouk share their cooperation from an innovative view on making processes that came forward from their practice based artistic research, trying to give back their new insights to society. You are invited by Bart van Rosmalen and Anouk Saleming on a journey beyond borders.
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<p>1- Exploring your own expressiveness and maker processes.</p> <p>2- Exploring the “making-with-others”</p> <p>3- Strengthen your commitment to society.</p> <p>Furthermore Bart and Anouk facilitate inspiring forms of conversation, reflection and feedback that you can use in your own study/practice. See DOWNLOAD for the call, the preparation letter and the full programme.</p> <p><strong>reflections</strong> </p> <p>1- zwaarte van het keren van het docent-student patroon naar co-creatie en samenwerken en de aandacht en volharding die daarvoor nodig is. </p> <p><!-- z-media 8334 {"align":"block","size":"middle","crop":false,"link":false,"link_url":""} --></p> <p>2- kracht van bronnen/ citaatgesprek en improvisaties om iets terug te geven aan de inbrenger. Muziek maken als een gift aan iemand die een bron heeft ingebracht (cadeau)</p> <p>3- impact van zelf performen (dus niet alleen erover praten maar laten zien wat wij spelen). Zelf letterlijk en figuurlijk iets op het spel zetten. we spelen 20' van de voorstelling 'lang voor er woorden waren'. en op woensdag meteen de toon zetten in de party met 'wat heb je van wie geleerd' en 'onderstroom'. </p> <p><!-- z-media 8336 {"align":"block","size":"middle","crop":false,"link":false,"link_url":""} --><!-- z-media 8337 {"align":"block","size":"middle","crop":false,"link":false,"link_url":""} --></p> <p>4- de studenten uitnodigen om 'terug' te spelen in de theatrale setting die we maakten. En dat daar meteen theatraliteit in ontstaat. ze maakte iets in drietallen. (hoe groot voor muziekstudenten die ontdekking van theatraliteit en spel is) </p> <p><!-- z-media 8339 {"align":"block","size":"middle","crop":false,"link":false,"link_url":""} --></p> <p><!-- z-media 8335 {"align":"block","size":"middle","crop":false,"link":false,"link_url":""} --><!-- z-media 8342 {"align":"block","size":"middle","crop":false,"link":false,"link_url":""} --></p> <p>5- mijn tekeningen als bronmateriaal voor duo improvisaties. Tekening als partituur. De ernst, de focus, de betrokkenheid die daardoor ontstaan bij zowel spelers als toeschouwers. </p> <p><!-- z-media 8338 {"align":"block","size":"middle","crop":false,"link":false,"link_url":""} --> 6- belangrijk om meer theoretisch kader/ model aan te bieden als raamwerk dan ik zelf geneigd zou zijn te doen. Waarom doen we dit? wat doen we eigenlijk? En tegelijkertijd belangrijk om dat vage/ ambigue waarin student zelf zijn weg gaat zoeken open te houden. (soms vragen dus niet beantwoorden)</p> <p>7- theatrale dialoog uitbreiden met dat de duo's daar gevormd doorgaan met een set of short pieces en daar een uitkiezen om centraal te performen. (krachtig!) </p> <p><!-- z-media 8340 {"align":"block","size":"middle","crop":false,"link":false,"link_url":""} --></p> <p>8- biografische verhalen als startpunt van duo improvisatie 'bedtimestories'. </p> <p><!-- z-media 8341 {"align":"block","size":"middle","crop":false,"link":false,"link_url":""} --></p> <p>9- de kracht van de 'speel precies na' oefening. </p> <p><!-- z-media 8344 {"align":"block","size":"middle","crop":false,"link":false,"link_url":""} --></p> <p>10- de party als bijzondere vorm van delen/ opvoering/ nemen van eigenaarschap.</p> <p><!-- z-media 8343 {"align":"block","size":"middle","crop":false,"link":false,"link_url":""} --></p> <p>Voor mij de <strong>CLOU was: </strong></p> <p>11- het concept 'ways of working' en het gesprek over <strong>'meaning'. e</strong>n de vele verschillende manieren waarop betekenis ontstaat. Als onderscheidend van de ingang die improviseren als een vaardigheid benadert en een oefening. </p>
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