Silent Coaching

Think of an important issue relating to your work which has come to the fore in these past few days. Whichever issue you choose, it is important that it matters to you, and that at this point, you are not sure how to proceed with it. It also needs to be an issue where you yourself are central to the action in some way. (ie it doesn’t rely on you changing something in someone else).

A series of coaching questions will then be asked. These questions aim to provide a framework for thought. They do not define the journey or its destination. The coaching is “silent” because although the questions are asked out loud, the coachees in the group reflect and respond silently (perhaps taking notes if it is helpful). Individual use of the questions is also possible. Thanks to Jo Hensel (Guildhall) for the text of Silent Coaching.

The questions tot follow:

• What’s the issue?
• What makes it an issue now?
• Who owns this issue (or which part of this issue do you think you have ownership of?)
• How important is it on a scale of 1-10?
• How much energy do you have for this issue on a scale of 1-10?
• If the number is low – what would it take for the number to change to a higher one? If it is high already – what does this tell you about the issue?
• What are the implications of doing nothing? How do you feel about that?
• What have you tried or thought of trying already? What else?
• What have you learned from that?
• Imagine this problem has been solved. What is happening? What do you see? Feel? Hear? Do? (or imagine yourself telling me about the successful outcome in a month’s time – what would you be telling me?)
• What’s standing in the way of that ideal outcome?
• What’s your own responsibility for what is happening?
• Imagine you’re at your most resourceful – what do you say to yourself? (or… what might a trusted friend or colleague suggest?)
• What are the options for action?
• What criteria will you use to decide which of the options to take forward?
• So, what’s the first/next step? And when will you take it?
• Who could help you with this?
• How will you review your progress?
