Improvised Writing

The beginning: sitting quietly with a paper and a pencil or being in the circle of light of your computer screen. Start writing and just follow the free flow of thoughts inside. Turn your attention to your inner theatre and see what pops up. Make complete sentences writing continuously on and on. Don’t go back to earlier words, don’t stop the writing but keep going forward. When you don’t know what to write you might write that down or describe the room, the people around you etc,. When a new thought comes up, finish the paragraph you are working on, leave an empty line and pick up with the new thought. Allow yourself to write down what lives inside. There’s no good or bad judgement while writing: the lights are all green and affirmative. Later you might go back and use some of the generated material. Later you might share certain parts with others.
Later you might adjust the order of your thoughts/writing and analyse it. But start with improvised writing…
